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Explore key topics
Careers & portfolios (40)
Colour for photography (51)
Composition (38)
Lighting (68)
Photo editing (31)
Photographic genres (40)
Photographic history (53)
Photography exposure (48)
Photography theory & criticism (82)
Our photography range starts with an introduction to the fundamentals, before moving on to detailed explorations of lighting, exposure and composition. You’ll also find guidance on how to develop creative work through an understanding of design principles, narrative and research. As well as advice on setting up and running your photography business, there’s in-depth insight into key disciplines like landscape, portrait and fashion photography.
Download a PDF version of this page to use as a Subject Guide to Photography. This link can be added to a course syllabus or reading list.
View all photography chapters
Key terms and concepts
The Visual Dictionary of Photography
Discipline overviews
The Fundamentals of Creative Photography | The Fundamentals of Digital Photography
Introductions to key topics
Basics Creative Photography 01: Design Principles | Basics Creative Photography 02: Context and Narrative | Basics Creative Photography 03: Behind the Image | Basics Photography 01: Composition | Basics Photography 02: Lighting | Basics Photography 03: Capturing Colour | Basics Photography 06: Working in Black & White | Exposure | Lighting | Making Photographs | Photography Exposure | Reading Photographs
Topics in depth
The Fashion Image | Train Your Gaze | Perspectives on Place
Running a Successful Photography Business | Setting up a Successful Photography Business